Welcome to my Website about Healthy Living!

In the Tamaki Community Healthy Living is a big problem. There are more unhealthy shops

then fruit and vege shops here in the Tamaki Community.There are more takeaway shops

than healthy shops. Most people perfer the take-outs/takeaways than healthy food to eat,

seeing as there are way more unhealthy shops than heatlhy.

Healthy Living.

There are also alot of liquor stores in the Tamaki Communtiy. In the Tamaki Community

alot of young people drink alchol and roam the streets and not having showers. Which isnt good for their hygene.

Also many adults drink alot of alchol and also smoke aswell, so it is not good for their hygene aswell.

their smoke buds on the ground make our community look dirty and also some people smach their achohol bottles onto the ground and which isnt good for our little ones.

These are some examples of foods we can eat more often

  • Eggs
  • Seafood
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Proceed soy prducts
  • Beans